Before submitting your article, please ensure you complete the following:
- Read the Aims & Scope of the journal. This details the nature and content of the journal and will help you to assess if your manuscript is relevant and suitable for publication in the journal.
- Please use the Microsoft Word template provided. Manuscripts prepared in Microsoft Word must be converted into a single file before submission. Please insert your graphics (schemes, figures, etc.) in the main body of text after the paragraph of its first citation.
- Ensure that any issues regarding publication ethics, research ethics, copyright, authorship, figure formats, data, and reference formats have been addressed.
- Ensure that all authors involved in the production of the manuscript have fully approved the content.
We do not have strict formatting requirements, but all manuscripts must contain the following: author information, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials & methods, results, figures and tables with captions, discussion, conclusion, funding information, author contributions, conflicts of interest and further ethics statements (if applicable).
Your references may be in any style, provided that they are consistent. You must include the author(s) name(s), journal or book title, article or chapter title (where applicable), year of publication, volume and issue (where appropriate) and pagination. Digital Object Identifier (DOI) numbers are not mandatory but are encouraged. EndNote, Mendeley, and Reference Manager are recommended for citation management in the bibliography.
These should be defined the first time they appear in each of three sections: the Abstract, the main text, and in the first figure or table. When defined for the first time, the acronym, abbreviation or initialism should be inserted in parentheses after the full terminology.
For equations, please use Microsoft Equation Editor. The equations should be editable by the editorial office and not appear in picture format.
The sections listed below should appear in all manuscripts:
Title: The title of your manuscript should be concise, specific and relevant. It should identify if the study contains trial data (human or animal), is a systematic review, a meta-analysis or a replication study. If names of genes or proteins are included, the abbreviated name rather than the full name should be used. Please do not include abbreviated or short forms of the title, such as a running title or heading. These will be removed by the editorial office.
Author List and Affiliations: Authors' full first and last names must be provided. The initials of any middle names can be added but are not required. The full name of the institute, university, or affiliated organization should also be provided. At least one author should be designated as the corresponding author, and his or her email address and other contact details (e.g., phone number, ORCID ID) should be included at the end of the affiliation section.
Abstract: The Abstract should be a single paragraph containing a maximum of about 200 words, and the content should follow the style of a structured article but without headings: 1) Background: Place the question addressed in a broad context and highlight the purpose of the study; 2) Method(s): Briefly outline the main method(s) or treatment(s) used in the study. Include any relevant preregistration numbers and species and strains of any animals used; 3) Results: Summarize the main findings of the study; and 4) Conclusion: Indicate the main conclusions or interpretations. The Abstract should be an objective representation of the article. It must not contain results that are not presented and substantiated in the main article and should not exaggerate the main conclusions.
Keywords: You must include three to ten keywords relevant to the article, and they should be placed after the Abstract. We recommend that the keywords are specific to the article but are also reasonably common within the subject discipline.
Featured Application (non-mandatory): Authors are encouraged, but not explicitly required, to provide a concise description of the specific application or potential application of the work.
Introduction: The introduction should present the study in a broad context and highlight why it is important. It should define the purpose of the work and its significance, including specific hypotheses being tested. The current state of the research field should be reviewed carefully and key publications cited. Please highlight controversial and diverging hypotheses when necessary. Ensure that the introduction is comprehensible to scientists working outside the topic of the paper.
Materials and Methods: These should be described with sufficient detail to allow others to replicate and build on published results. New methods and protocols should be described in detail while well-established methods can be briefly described and appropriately cited. Give the name and version of any software used and specify whether the computer code used is available.
Results: Provide a concise description of the results of the study or experiment, how these results have been interpreted, and the experimental conclusions that can be drawn.
Discussion: Authors should discuss the results and how they can be interpreted based on the perspective of previous studies and of the working hypotheses. The findings and their implications should be discussed in the broadest context possible, and the limitations of the study should be highlighted. Recommendations for future research directions may also be given. This section may be combined with the Results section.
Conclusion: This section is not mandatory but can be added to the manuscript if the discussion is unusually long or complex.
Patents: This section is not mandatory, but it may be added if there are patents resulting from the work reported in the manuscript.
Funding: All sources of funding for the research should be disclosed. Clearly indicate grants that you have received in support of your research work and if funds were received to cover publication costs. Note that some funders will not refund article processing charges (APC) if the funder and grant number are not clearly and correctly included in the paper. Funding information can be entered separately into the system by the authors during submission of the manuscript. Such funding information, if available, will be deposited to FundRef if the manuscript is published.
In this section, please add: “This research received no external funding” or “This research was funded by [name of funder], grant number [xxx]” and “The APC was funded by [XXX]”. Check carefully that the details given are accurate and use the standard spelling of the funding agency names, found at Any errors may affect your future funding.
Conflicts of Interest: Authors must identify and declare any personal circumstances or interests that may be perceived as influencing the representation or interpretation of reported research results. If there is no conflict of interest, please state "The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest". Any role of the funding sponsors in the choice of research project; design of the study; in the collection, analyses or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results must be declared in this section.
Acknowledgments: In this section, you can acknowledge any support received that is not covered by the Author Contribution or Funding sections. This may include administrative or technical support, or donations in kind (e.g., materials used for experiments).
Institutional Review Board Statement: In this section, please add the Institutional Review Board Statement and approval number for studies involving humans or animals. Please note that the editorial office might request further information. Please add “The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional Review Board (or Ethics Committee) of NAME OF INSTITUTE (protocol code XXX and date of approval)” or “Ethical review and approval were waived for this study, due to REASON (please provide a detailed justification)” or “Not applicable” for studies not involving humans or animals. This statement can be excluded if the study did not involve human or animal subjects.
Informed Consent Statement: Any research article describing a study involving humans should contain this statement. Please add “Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study” or “Patient consent was waived due to REASON (please provide a detailed justification)” or “Not applicable” for studies not involving humans. This statement can be excluded if the study did not involve humans. Written informed consent for publication must be obtained from participating patients who can be identified (including by the patients themselves). If applicable, please state “Written, informed consent was obtained from the patient(s) to publish this paper”.
Figures and schemes must be provided in a single zipped file during submission and at a sufficiently high resolution (minimum 1000 pixels width/height, or a resolution of 300 dpi or higher). Common formats are accepted; however, JPEGs and PDFs are preferred.
All figures, schemes and tables should be inserted into the main text close to their first citation and must be numbered according to their order of appearance (Figure 1, Scheme I, Figure 2, Scheme II, Table 1, etc.).
All figures, schemes and tables should have a short explanatory title and caption.
All table columns should have an explanatory heading. To facilitate the copyediting of larger tables, smaller fonts may be used, but no smaller than 8 pt. in size. Authors should use the Table option in Microsoft Word to create tables.
Authors are encouraged to prepare figures and schemes in color (RGB at 8-bit per channel). There is no additional cost for publishing full color graphics.
References must be listed in order of appearance in the text (including table captions and figure legends) and listed individually at the end of the manuscript. We recommend preparing the references with a bibliography software package, such as EndNote, to avoid typing errors and duplicated references. We also encourage citations for data, computer code and other citable research material.
In the text, reference numbers should appear in square brackets [ ] and be placed before the punctuation, for example, [1], [1–3] or [1,3], and Taylor et al. [4] have noted …
The reference list should include the full title, as recommended by the IEEE style guide. Style files for Endnote are available.
References should be formatted depending on the type of work being referenced.
[Ref number] Author’s initials. Author’s Surname, Book Title, edition (if not first). Place of publication: Publisher, Year.
[1] I.A. Glover and P.M. Grant, Digital Communications, 3rd ed. Harlow: Prentice Hall, 2009.
Book chapter
[Ref number] Author’s initials. Author’s Surname, “Title of chapter in book,” in Book Title, edition (if not first), Editor’s initials. Editor’s Surname, Ed. Place of publication: Publisher, Year, page numbers.
[2] C. W. Li and G. J. Wang, "MEMS manufacturing techniques for tissue scaffolding devices," in Mems for Biomedical Applications, S. Bhansali and A. Vasudev, Eds. Cambridge: Woodhead, 2012, pp. 192-217.
Electronic Book
[Ref number] Author’s initials. Author’s Surname. (Year, Month Day). Book Title (edition) [Type of medium]. Available: URL
[3] W. Zeng, H. Yu, C. Lin. (2013, Dec 19). Multimedia Security Technologies for Digital Rights Management [Online]. Available:
Note: If the e-book is a direct equivalent of a print book, e.g., in PDF format, you can reference it as you would for a normal print book.
Journal article
[Ref number] Author’s initials. Author’s Surname, “Title of article,” Title of journal abbreviated in Italics, vol. number, issue number, page numbers, Year. DOI.
[4] F. Yan, Y. Gu, Y. Wang, C. M. Wang, X. Y. Hu, H. X. Peng, et al., "Study on the interaction mechanism between laser and rock during perforation," Optics and Laser Technology, vol. 54, pp. 303-308, 2013. DOI.
The general form for citing technical reports is to place the name and location of the company or institution after the author and title and to give the report number and date at the end of the reference. If the report has a volume number, insert it after the year.
[Ref number] Author’s initials. Author’s Surname, “Title of report,” Abbreviated Name of Company., City of Company., State, Report number, year.
[5] P. Diament and W. L. Luptakin, “V-line surface-wave radiation and scanning,” Dept. Elect. Eng., Colombia Univ., New York, Sci Rep. 85, 1991.
[Ref number] Author’s initials. Author’s Surname, “Title of patent”, country where patent is registered. Patent number, abbrev of Month Day Year.
[6] J. P. Wilkinson, “Nonlinear resonant circuit devices,” U.S. Patent 3 624 125, July 16,1990.
[Ref number] Author’s initials. Author’s Surname, “Title of thesis,” Designation type, Abbrev. Dept., Abbrev. Univ., City of Univ., State, Year.
[7] J. O. Williams, “Narrow-band analyzer,” Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Elect. Eng., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, 19.
[Ref number] Author’s initials. Authors Surname, “Title of Datasheet”, Part of datasheet, Publication date [Latest revision date].
[8] Texas Instruments, “High speed CMOS logic analog multiplexers/demultiplexers,” 74HC4051 datasheet, Nov. 1997 [Revised Sept. 2002].
Note: Include as much of the key information as you can find for a given website. If a web page has no personal author, you can use a corporate author. If none of this information is available, you can use either Anon. (for anonymous) or it is permissible to use the title of the site.
[Ref number] Author’s initials. Author’s surname. (Year, Month, Day). Title of web page [Online]. Available: URL
[9] BBC News. (2013, Nov. 11). Microwave signals turned into electrical power [Online]. Available:
[10] M. Holland. (2002). Guide to citing internet sources [Online]. Available:
Online Documents
If you are using documents such as reports, conference papers, standards, patents or theses that also exist in a printed version, i.e., with the same format and pagination, it can be referenced as the printed version.
If there is only an electronic version, you can make the standard reference template an electronic version by adding the material type in square brackets, e.g., [Online], after the document title. If there is no specific document title, you can place this after the document number (e.g., patent number).
At the end of the reference add: Available: URL. See below for an example of an online patent:
[11] M.R. Brooks, “Musical toothbrush with adjustable neck and mirror,” U.S. Patent 326189 [Online], May 19, 1992. Available:
The International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies (IJIRSS) has no restrictions on the length of manuscripts; however, the text must be concise and comprehensive. We suggest a minimum of 5000 words. Full details of the experiments must be provided so that the results can be reproduced.
Manuscripts submitted to the IJIRSS should not have been published previously nor should they be under consideration for publication by another journal. The manuscripts should report scientifically sound experiments and provide a substantial amount of new information. The references should include the most recent and relevant literature in the field.
Manuscripts for the IJIRSS should be submitted online here: Make Submission, or emailed to The submitting author, who is generally the corresponding author, is responsible for the manuscript during the submission and peer review process. The submitting author must ensure that all eligible co-authors have been included in the author list and that they have all read and approved the submitted version of the manuscript.