Academic advising and students’ experience in KFU's preparatory year

Amr Abdelmotelb Elatla


Academic advising plays a crucial role in supporting students during their transition to university life, particularly in the preparatory year. This study examines the impact of academic advising on student success at King Faisal University (KFU), focusing on academic performance, student satisfaction, and preparedness for university life. Using a mixed-methods approach, data were collected through surveys and interviews with students and academic advisors during 2023. The results indicate that students who engaged in academic advising experienced significant improvements in their GPA, satisfaction levels, and confidence in managing academic responsibilities. The findings also highlight the importance of strong advisor-student relationships in fostering student motivation and engagement. Based on these results, the study recommends that universities implement structured advising programs, enhance advisor training, and integrate academic advising into the preparatory year curriculum. These measures can contribute to improved retention rates, better academic outcomes, and overall student success in higher education. Future research should consider longitudinal studies that track students beyond the preparatory year.


Amr Abdelmotelb Elatla (Primary Contact)
Elatla, A. A. (2025). Academic advising and students’ experience in KFU’s preparatory year. International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 8(2), 74–79.

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