Scrolling through sleep: Moroccan high school students smartphone uses and sleep quality

Sana Sadiq, Khadija Anasse, Najib Slimani


In the educational field, sleep is a vital need for students. Recent research has connected smartphone addiction, poor sleep, and academic failure. There is a glaring paucity of information on this subject in Morocco. In order to fill this gap, we conducted this study. This cross-sectional study investigated the effect of smartphone addiction on sleep quality and school outcomes among secondary school students in Marrakesh, Morocco. Following the simple random method, a sample of 389 students was selected. They answered an online questionnaire that included questions about some demographic characteristics, smartphone use, and sleeping habits. The results revealed that 57.8% of the students suffer from smartphone addiction, and 59.9% suffer from poor sleep quality. The study found that there is a moderately positive correlation between smartphone addiction and poor sleep quality. The study not only suggests the need for parents, educators, and health professionals to raise awareness about the negative effects of smartphone addiction on students’ sleep quality, but also provides a basis for developing interventions aims at reducing smartphone addiction and improving sleep quality.


Sana Sadiq (Primary Contact)
Khadija Anasse
Najib Slimani
Sadiq, S. ., Anasse, K. ., & Slimani, N. . (2023). Scrolling through sleep: Moroccan high school students smartphone uses and sleep quality. International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 6(3), 702–709.

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