Integrated QR payment system: Cashless payment solution in developing countries from the perspective of MSMEs

Osly Usman, Inkreswari Retno Hardini, Adnan Kasofi


This study explores the implementation of QRIS (Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard) based cashless payment systems among MSMEs in Jakarta. Using descriptive and explanatory survey methods, the data were analyzed through Partial Least Square (PLS). The main focus of the research is to examine the effect of Mobile Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use variables on Attitude Toward Using and Behavioral Intention to Use QRIS. The results showed that Mobile Usefulness has a positive and significant impact on Attitude Toward Using and Behavioral Intention to Use. Perceived Ease of Use also has a significant effect on Attitude Toward Using, but not on Behavioral Intention to Use. This study identifies QRIS adoption challenges, such as infrastructure limitations, low digital literacy, and people's preference for cash. This research provides strategic recommendations for the government and startups to accelerate QRIS adoption, increase digital inclusion, and prepare for a cross-border payment ecosystem by 2025. By understanding user attitudes and intentions, this study contributes to the development of more inclusive and efficient cashless payment solutions for MSMEs in Indonesia.


Osly Usman (Primary Contact)
Inkreswari Retno Hardini
Adnan Kasofi
Usman, O., Hardini, I. R. ., & Kasofi, A. . (2025). Integrated QR payment system: Cashless payment solution in developing countries from the perspective of MSMEs. International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 8(2), 1424–1432.

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