Necessity for artificial intelligence in higher education: Learners’ motivation for continuous use of AI-powered tools

Bilal Khalid Khalaf, Ihab Majeed Mahmood, Linda S Al-Abbas, Saeed Abed Khudhur


Contemporary AI-powered tools have significantly enhanced the efficacy of language acquisition. The growing demand for a concentrated understanding of the integration between AI-powered tools and learners’ comprehension in higher education has been highlighted in the previous literature. Among numerous investigations on AI integration and education, only a few were carried out in Arabic contexts. This study aims to explore the influences of learners’ comprehension of AI-powered tools (ChatGPT, QuillBot, Grammarly, Turnitin) on motivations for continuous usage based on the explanations of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Quantitative cross-sectional data were collected through 40 questions in a survey questionnaire from 351 respondents in 10 universities. The data were analyzed using Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), in two models, i.e., measurement model analysis and structural model analysis. The study first draws the hypothesized relationships between the constructs. A novel finding was identified through the designed model and proposed hypotheses. In addition, behavioral intentions of learners showed significant influences on learners’ comprehension of AI-powered tools and their motivations for usage. Further, the study determined a significant correlation between the tools’ comprehension, challenges, and learners' behavioral intentions toward continuous usage in the future, as shown in the Important-Performance Analysis. The validated model displayed a total variance of 87.3% for learners’ motivation to continue using AI-powered tools. Based on the acquired results, implications and recommendations for future research in both theory and practice have been declared.


Bilal Khalid Khalaf (Primary Contact)
Ihab Majeed Mahmood
Linda S Al-Abbas
Saeed Abed Khudhur
Khalaf, B. K. ., Mahmood, I. M. ., Al-Abbas, L. S., & Khudhur, S. A. . (2025). Necessity for artificial intelligence in higher education: Learners’ motivation for continuous use of AI-powered tools. International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 8(2), 1123–1137.

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