Logistics and environmental aspects of the formation of mining and transport systems of dump formation in deep pits using container technology

Gulnara Altynbayeva, Sergei Kuzmin, Damir Kramsakov, Ivan Stolpovskikh


Improving the energy efficiency and environmental friendliness of waste disposal processes during open-pit mining of mineral deposits involves substantiating and developing a new mining and transport technology. Literary analysis combined with computer modeling based on the finite element method has made it possible to automate the work in designing container technology equipment at the design preparation stages. A new mining and transport system for waste disposal in deep quarries has been developed, which involves the use of container technology for moving rock mass in quarries, allowing for increased energy efficiency of transport systems and minimizing pollution of the quarry atmosphere. The proposed logistic scheme for transporting rock mass to dumps using container technology ensures the creation of a new energy-saving mining and transport system using quarry hoisting machines, which, in comparison with similar traditional systems, allows for a reduction in costs for lifting rock mass, a reduction in atmospheric gas pollution, and an improvement in mining modes. Container delivery of rock mass as a bulk and difficult-to-excavate material will allow for its single excavation and lifting from the quarry to the dump using quarry hoisting machines with a minimum tare coefficient.


Gulnara Altynbayeva
altynbaeva_g@mail.ru (Primary Contact)
Sergei Kuzmin
Damir Kramsakov
Ivan Stolpovskikh
Altynbayeva, G. ., Kuzmin, S. ., Kramsakov, D. ., & Stolpovskikh, I. . (2025). Logistics and environmental aspects of the formation of mining and transport systems of dump formation in deep pits using container technology. International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 8(2), 456–464. https://doi.org/10.53894/ijirss.v8i2.5197

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