Bridging AI and human interaction: How trust and social presence affects chatbot acceptance

Mahmaod Alrawad, Latifa Attieh, Bayar Ibrahim, Mujtaba Ramadan


This study examines the factors driving chatbot adoption among customers. Integrating the Technology Acceptance Model with social presence, perceived performance, and trust, the research investigates how these variables influence customers' attitudes and intentions to use chatbots. The findings confirm the importance of conversational commerce, particularly for millennials, and support the Social Presence Theory, highlighting the positive impact of human-like interactions on trust and attitudes towards chatbots. Key constructs such as trust, perceived usefulness, ease of use, and behavioral intention are validated as influential factors in consumer decisions regarding chatbot technology. The study offers practical implications for businesses seeking to enhance chatbot experiences by focusing on usability, usefulness, and performance. Future research should consider a broader population, explore additional variables like ethical considerations, cross-cultural differences, and personalization, and investigate potential moderating factors such as personality traits and prior technology experience.


Mahmaod Alrawad (Primary Contact)
Latifa Attieh
Bayar Ibrahim
Mujtaba Ramadan
Alrawad, M., Attieh, L. ., Ibrahim, B. ., & Ramadan, M. . (2025). Bridging AI and human interaction: How trust and social presence affects chatbot acceptance. International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 8(2), 385–397.

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