Technological characteristics of some aborigen grape varieties specific to Nakhchivan region of Azerbaijan

Jabbar S Najafov, Leyla P Ibrahimova, Ismet G Hasanov, Khanim Maharromova, Vugar S Salimov


Undoubtedly, grape products grown in all regions of the world, especially table grapes, have certain unique nutritional and dietetic-therapeutic properties. As is known, in order to ensure normal nutrition and health, the food diet should not only be based on calories but also be balanced with vitamins, other biologically active substances, mineral salts, organic acids, and other components that regulate important physiological and biochemical functions within the body. In this regard, fresh grapes and industrial products made from them, which are both highly nutritious and have therapeutic properties, play a significant role in human nutrition. The grape gene pool of the Nakhchivan region is rich; yet, many grape varieties are insufficiently studied, and some rare varieties have been lost. Investigating the economic and technological characteristics of these varieties has become increasingly relevant due to the low cost of seasonal products and the high expenses associated with their storage. Cultivating and processing these rare grape varieties on a large scale can lead to long-term storage without significant additional costs, profitable sales, and reliable food security. The main objective of the conducted research is to prepare various technological products from the indigenous grape varieties of the Nakhchivan region of the Republic of Azerbaijan, compare them with the traditional regional standardized varieties, and select them for large-scale production. This study was conducted to evaluate the technological characteristics of selected indigenous grape varieties from the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. The grape materials used in the study were sourced from the field collection vineyard of the Plant Department of the Bioresources Research Institute (Nakhchivan), which we developed in 2004. This vineyard houses the "Rare Grape Varieties of Nakhchivan" collection, serving as the primary resource for the research. The study focused on both fresh (table) grape varieties and their potential for processing into various products. The selected grape varieties were subjected to appropriate processing methods to produce raisins, syrup, compote, jam, and table wine. Each processing technique followed standardized protocols to ensure product quality and consistency. Organoleptic evaluation was carried out to assess the sensory qualities of the processed products. The results were compared with processed products derived from standardized regional grape varieties to highlight the unique characteristics of the indigenous grapes. This methodological approach ensured the systematic evaluation of both the fresh and processed grape products, offering valuable results into their suitability for various technological applications and production processes. These comparisons have revealed that the rare grape varieties grown in Nakhchivan, in terms of both table grape quality and organoleptic evaluation of processed products, are not only on par with the standardized regional varieties but also exceed them in certain parameters. The research concluded that processed products made from many rare grape varieties specific to the Nakhchivan region received higher evaluations compared to similar products from standardized varieties. The large-scale cultivation, propagation, preservation, and sale of these varieties both domestically and internationally would not only be profitable but also significantly contribute to the country's food security. Based on the final results of the research, it was determined that the majority (17 varieties) of the studied less common table and technical grape varieties not only match the standard Bəndi (table) and Ağ Aldərə (technical) varieties in terms of productivity and technological characteristics but also outperform them in many indicators. The introduction of these varieties into large-scale production would enrich the grape variety composition in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. This, in turn, will increase the overall production of grapes, as well as the quantity and quality of valuable processed products such as table grapes, grape juice, table wine, raisins, compote, jam, and syrup. Furthermore, it will enhance production efficiency and provide opportunities for selecting and cultivating varieties that fully align with the natural conditions and specific goals of the regions where farmers and other private agricultural enterprises operate.


Jabbar S Najafov (Primary Contact)
Leyla P Ibrahimova
Ismet G Hasanov
Khanim Maharromova
Vugar S Salimov
Najafov, J. S., Ibrahimova, L. P., Hasanov, I. G., Maharromova, K. ., & Salimov, V. S. (2025). Technological characteristics of some aborigen grape varieties specific to Nakhchivan region of Azerbaijan. International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 8(2), 197–205.

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