Interactive classroom management skills of special needs teachers: A comparative analysis of Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates

Abdullah Ahmed Almulla, Mohamad A S Khasawneh, Mazen Omar Almulla, Mohammad A Tashtoush


The purpose of this study is to examine the interactive classroom management skills of special needs educators in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, with a focus on identifying cross-cultural differences and the influence of gender and academic discipline on these skills. A cross-cultural comparative approach was employed, analyzing data from 1,598 special needs teachers across the three countries. The study utilized the Interactive Classroom Management Abilities Measure, which assesses seven dimensions: Management of Planning, Teaching Learning Resources, Self-Discipline, Student Behavior, Learning Atmosphere, Classroom Instruction, and Evaluation. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were conducted to explore variations based on gender and academic discipline. The results reveal significant variations in interactive classroom management skills across the three countries, with Saudi teachers scoring the highest, followed by Emirati and Jordanian teachers. Female teachers and humanities educators demonstrated superior competencies compared to their male and science counterparts. Additionally, cultural differences were observed, with Jordanian teachers primarily addressing social misbehavior, while Saudi and Emirati teachers focused more on academic issues. The study underscores the importance of interactive classroom management skills for special needs educators and highlights cultural and gender-based differences. The findings emphasize the need for targeted professional development programs to enhance these skills, especially in culturally diverse educational environments. This study provides valuable insights for educational policymakers and practitioners in developing tailored training programs that account for cultural and gender differences. Enhancing interactive classroom management skills can lead to more effective teaching strategies, improved student engagement, and optimized learning outcomes for students with special needs.


Abdullah Ahmed Almulla (Primary Contact)
Mohamad A S Khasawneh
Mazen Omar Almulla
Mohammad A Tashtoush
Almulla, A. A. ., Khasawneh, M. A. S., Almulla, M. O., & Tashtoush, M. A. (2025). Interactive classroom management skills of special needs teachers: A comparative analysis of Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 8(1), 2779–2787.

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