Data-driven strategic planning: The mediating role of the Blockchain-based supply chain in enhancing digital logistics performance

Khaldoon Khawaldeh, Fawwaz Tawfiq Awamleh, Motteh S Al-Shibly, Abdulrahman Al-Kharabsheh


This research investigates the influence of data-driven strategic management on the digital logistics performance of Jordanian logistics firms, including SMEs, and especially the mediating influence of Blockchain-based supply chains. Adopting a quantitative methodology, a systematic questionnaire was distributed to 449 managerial respondents. The data were analyzed using Smart PLS4 and Structural Equation Modeling to investigate the relationships between strategic planning, Blockchain adoption, and logistics performance. Findings indicate that Blockchain-enabled data-driven strategic planning has a tremendous impact on optimizing supply chain transparency, operational efficiency, and trust, hence achieving outstanding logistics performance. Findings reiterate how Blockchain-induced digital transformation offers competitiveness to SMEs in the logistics industry. The findings of the study expound on the importance of the integration of Blockchain in strategic planning, highlighting the ability to induce sustainable growth as well as function with excellence. It also underscores the significance of exploiting future technologies to enhance logistical operations. The findings presented provide strategic counsel for policymakers and logistics managers on the implementation of Blockchain technology to render supply chains more efficient and the sector more competitive.


Khaldoon Khawaldeh
Fawwaz Tawfiq Awamleh (Primary Contact)
Motteh S Al-Shibly
Abdulrahman Al-Kharabsheh
Khawaldeh, K. ., Awamleh, F. T. ., Al-Shibly, M. S., & Al-Kharabsheh, A. . (2025). Data-driven strategic planning: The mediating role of the Blockchain-based supply chain in enhancing digital logistics performance. International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 8(1), 2680–2687.

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