The impact of blended learning on academic achievement quality from the perspective of students at Mohamed Bin Zayed University for Humanities in light of university policies and aspirations
This study evaluates the effectiveness of implementing various forms and features of blended learning at Mohamed Bin Zayed University for the Humanities from the perspective of its students. The research focuses on five key areas: the availability of blended learning mechanisms, their impact on achieving educational objectives, the influence of blended learning on students’ academic performance, the obstacles to using blended learning at the university, and the views and perspectives of the study sample towards this type of education. A survey was conducted, and the sample consisted of 100 students from different university branches. The results showed a high level of agreement among students on the importance of blended learning compared to traditional education. Tools such as computers, educational courses, projectors, video classes, class points, and smart boards were widely recognized as effective. Regarding the effectiveness of these mechanisms, 73% of students reported improvements in their academic performance and increased concentration after using blended learning tools. However, 22% of students faced obstacles that hindered their ability to receive focused education. These obstacles included a lack of awareness of how to use blended learning tools, unexpected technical issues with smart boards, and insufficient time for discussions in certain courses. The students’ visions and aspirations were reflected in their desire to further develop this form of education over traditional methods by better equipping classrooms and offering regular training sessions for professors on blended learning techniques and skills.

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