Models of Helping, Happiness, and Spiritual Serenity among Indonesian and Chinese Students
In positive psychology, the study of happiness is more popular than that of serenity. Many studies have found connections between helping and happiness and between happiness and serenity. However, research that examines all three variables and how they relate in a model is limited. This study aims to develop models of helping, happiness, and serenity using students from Indonesia and China. A total of 103 Indonesian students and 104 Chinese students contributed to this research. The Helping Attitude Scale (HAS), Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS), Tatmainn al-Qulūb Scale (TQS), and Peace of Mind Scale (PoM) were used in this study. The results show that for Indonesian students, helping is a predictor of spiritual serenity but not of happiness. However, one aspect of helping, belief, can be a predictor of happiness. This model is confirmed using the CFI (0.97), GFI (0.97), and TLI (0.91) parameters. In contrast, for Chinese students, helping is a predictor of happiness but not of spiritual serenity. However, helping is a predictor of one component of spiritual serenity: confidence. This model is confirmed using the GFI (1) and AGFI (0.97) parameters.

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