The Meaning of Work Life Enrichment and its impact on Turnover Intention

Mudiono, Ika Nurul Qamari, Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono


A family business is a type of entrepreneurship and an important feature of economic development and transformation that provides jobs and riches to family members and those involved in the business. As a result, the founders and successors will make every effort to ensure the family business's long-term viability. This study aims to examine work-life enrichment and employee turnover intentions. The method utilized was systematic review, which entailed searching the literature using a Google Scholar database. From 2011 to 2021, a literature search was done—findings from a study on work-life enrichment. There were 19 publications with quantitative research and three articles with qualitative research. Several studies have been conducted have shown that when the work environment is good, the organization pays more attention to the family, so that employees show a high level of work-life enrichment. A rich work life indicates that employees have a high degree of trust in their organization. Trust works as a managerial or organizational resource that drives the intention to leave the organization.


Mudiono (Primary Contact)
Ika Nurul Qamari
Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono
Mudiono, Qamari, I. N. ., & Tjahjono, H. K. . (2021). The Meaning of Work Life Enrichment and its impact on Turnover Intention. International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 4(4), 258–268.

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