Investigating the effectiveness of TPACK and TGT in enhancing histogram learning achievement among eighth-grade students

Aemwipa Promwongsai, Apantee Poonputta


This study aimed to explore the effects of employing the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) model integrated with the Teams Games Tournament (TGT) collaborative instructional approach in teaching the concept of histograms to eighth grade students. Additionally, the research sought to assess the students' satisfaction with this integrated method during the learning process. The participants in the study comprised 44 eighth-grade students from a public school in Thailand.  Three primary instruments used in this study are the learning management plan, a learning achievement test and a satisfaction questionnaire. The findings of the study indicate that the integration of the TPACK model with TGT collaborative learning had a positive impact on the participants' comprehension and knowledge of histograms. The interactive and cooperative nature of TGT activities in addition to the integration of technological, pedagogical and content knowledge increased the learning outcomes of the students. Additionally, the participants   expressed a high level of satisfaction with the integrated TPACK and TGT frameworks   learning experiences.  This suggests that the collaborative and technology-enhanced approach fostered a positive and engaging learning environment, facilitating a deeper understanding of the histogram concept. These findings contribute to the existing body of knowledge on innovative instructional methods and provide valuable insights for educators seeking to enhance students' learning experiences in mathematics and other related subjects.


Apantee Poonputta (Primary Contact)
Promwongsai, A. ., & Poonputta, A. . (2023). Investigating the effectiveness of TPACK and TGT in enhancing histogram learning achievement among eighth-grade students. International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 6(4), 1015–1022.

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