An attitude to the intellectual and political thought of Seyed Jamaluddin Afghan
This study aimed to clarify the intellectual and political ideas of Sayed Jamaluddin Afghani, who is one of the most famous philosophers of the contemporary Islamic world and modern world and clarify his visions for the important issues of his era. In this paper, attempts have been made to find out analytical-descriptive approaches relying on library resources.The findings of the study indicated that Seyed Jamaluddin Afghani had a profound view on ideologies, movements, philosophical schools and social changes in the world, and his attitude to the important issues of his era was sociological and reformal, since in his first study, he comprehended the damages of Islamic communities and recommends worthwhile plans to escape the domination of the external powers and domestic tyranny that Islamic countries were struggling with. Seyed Jamaluddin, one of the celebrities of history has the most important position and particular virtue in terms of his role in regional developments, since he has had a glorious role in establishing freedom, equality and brotherhood in the history of relations between nations. An unknown Afghan thought possess from the prominent features of anti-tyranny, reformation of religious thought, convergence and Islamic ties. These parameters were indications of the titles that Seyed Jamal has given us as an important historical map.

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