Evaluation of solar radiation for the use of photovoltaic panels in Afghanistan

Najibullah Hossini


Solar energy is an integral part of living things on Earth, man uses this huge source of energy for various purposes. The sun is very active and is a lingering source of energy for the present and potential for the future. The energy received on the surface of the earth in one year is about 10,000 times the energy consumption of the total population of the world. The use of sunlight in the form of light and heat has been common since ancient times and human beings from the effect of thought and exploration to meet their needs, using the power of reason and experience they have also achieved innovations, innovations and inventions. Using photovoltaic (PV) panels to generate solar power in the world, from 2005 to 2015, it has increased from 5.1 GW to 227 GW. The highest amount of solar energy available at noon on summer days, it is approximately equal to 1 KW/m2 , but in most parts of the world this figure is around 200 W/m2 on average. The amount of solar radiation energy in Afghanistan, in June, when the angle of the sun shines at a latitude of 23.5° above the earth, the amount of radiant energy in the southernmost areas of Afghanistan (29.5°), at sunny noon, is equal to 43.70 MJ/m2 and in December at this width the country will be equal to (19.85 MJ/m2 . Afghanistan, with its adequate areas and suitable radiation norm (700W/m2 ), has a production capacity of 13548700 MW of electricity.


Najibullah Hossini
h.n.hussaini786@gmail.com (Primary Contact)

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