Maturity model of blockchain in e-commerce, Indonesia
The objective of this research is to develop a methodology for assessing the technological readiness of blockchain technology in the context of e-commerce supply chains. This research study explores its application in the domains of product information tracking and facilitating the exchange of information among users. The study was divided into three sections. First, the dimensions of blockchain were ranked using the Step-wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) approach. Second, a model was created to examine the feasibility of blockchain application in various areas. Third, the suggested model was evaluated utilizing questionnaire data acquired from an e-commerce supply chain, notably its digital record capabilities. The findings indicate that smart contracts, the Internet of Things (IoT), and transaction records are the most salient features of blockchain in e-commerce supply chains. Furthermore, the analyzed supply chain demonstrates a favorable position with digital records, facilitating blockchain adoption. This study underscores the significance of blockchain readiness in e-commerce supply chains and provides a systematic approach for assessing its maturity. The suggested paradigm provides useful insights for firms wanting to assess their blockchain adoption readiness. As a result, more successful implementation strategies for digital supply chain transformation can be developed.

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