Grounding institutional planning in stakeholder theory: A participatory study of inclusive consultation in a Philippine state university

Kenneth L Armas, Kathleen Rose Y Jose


 This research investigates major stakeholder issues across five main institutional domains—academics, research, extension, administration, and finance—in a Philippine state university context. A mixed-methods approach was applied with data gathered via focus group discussions, stakeholder dialogues, and surveys; 724 participants. Priority concerns included poor digital architecture, limited faculty research involvement, lack of transparent inclusivity policies, campus security, and operational efficiency, which thematic and frequency analyses identified. Our findings elucidate the necessity for targeted interventions comprising infrastructural refinements, enforcement of optimum policies, faculty-centric programs, and sustainable approaches that promote IT integration in education. Emerging from the study is an understanding that participatory approaches to institutional planning can facilitate stakeholder-driven approaches and a strong alignment between institutional centers of excellence, inclusivity, and global relevance. Theoretical implications suggest improved responsiveness from the organization, better performance, and a happier stakeholder environment. This data provides added perspective on the context of the continuing evolution of Philippine higher education institutions into a climate of stakeholder governance and compliance with international standards as well as the sustainable development goals.


Kenneth L Armas (Primary Contact)
Kathleen Rose Y Jose
Armas, K. L., & Jose, K. R. Y. (2025). Grounding institutional planning in stakeholder theory: A participatory study of inclusive consultation in a Philippine state university. International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 8(1), 1014–1023.

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