Effectiveness of quality of life therapy on subjective well-being of Afghan women
Afghanistan experiencing more than four decades of war and violence, which has caused a lot of adversity to all specially women and affected their quality of life. This research conducted with aim of studying effectiveness of quality of life therapy on subjective wellbeing of Afghan women. It was quasi-experimental study with experimental, control groups and follow-up stage. Simple random sampling method used, therefore at first stage 200 copies of positive and negative affects questionnaire distributed among female students at Kabul University and Shaheed Rabbani Education University of Kabul city. 40 participants who had obtained scores that are more negative were invited for this study. In the second stage, 40 participants assessed through Ryff Subjective wellbeing questionnaire and then they divided to research and control groups. Finally, out of 40 participants, 28 of them participated in two groups (16 participants per group). Then the experimental group received 6-session intervention according to quality of life therapy (QOLT) package and control group did not receive any intervention. At the end of the sessions, posttest performed for both groups. In order to understand the consistency level of treatment, after 2 months the groups assessed with Ryff’s subjective wellbeing questionnaire. SPSS version 25 used for data analysis. The results show quality of life therapy have increased the subjective wellbeing of research group’s subjects in both stages (P>0.05). Based on findings it has argued that using this therapeutic package enhances subjective wellbeing and could prevent many mental health disorders.

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