Impact of consumer self-efficacy on online purchase intention in Henan province, China

Hua Yao, Arun Kumar Tarofder


This study examines the impact of consumer self-efficacy on online purchase intention in Henan province, China. Online shopping has become an increasingly popular method of buying goods and services in recent decades. However, little is known about the mediation effect of privacy concerns that affect the relationship between consumer self-efficacy and online purchase intention among online buyers. Therefore, this study aims to explore the research question, “How can consumer self-efficacy influence online purchase intention in Henan province, China?” to fill the research gap. A research model was developed based on social cognitive theory. Quantitative data from 530 valid questionnaires via an online survey in Henan province, China, were analyzed by Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 27 and Amos 23.0 to assess the research model. Findings show that privacy concerns and consumer self-efficacy are two important elements that promote purchase intention. Furthermore, privacy concerns play a mediating role in the relationship between consumer self-efficacy and purchase intention. Research presents theoretical relevance as it introduces new perspectives linked to the current literature on this topic. The practical implications are substantial, as they contribute to enhancing the impact of negotiating consumers' self-efficacy and conflict resolution on purchasing behavior.


Hua Yao (Primary Contact)
Arun Kumar Tarofder
Yao, H., & Tarofder, A. K. . (2025). Impact of consumer self-efficacy on online purchase intention in Henan province, China. International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 8(1), 481–489.

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