The mediating role of employee engagement in the relationship between high-performance human resource management and innovative work behavior in information technology companies in Vietnam

Bui Thi Thu Ha, Vu Thi Minh Xuan, Tran Duc Anh


This research proposes hypotheses regarding the impact of high-performance human resource management (HPHRM) on innovative work behavior (IWB) through the mediating role of employee engagement (EE) based on the resource-based view, social exchange theory, the broaden-and-build theory of work based on positive emotions  and the job demands-resources model. Data from 334 key employees at information technology (IT) enterprises in Vietnam were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) with SmartPLS 4.0 software to examine the relationships between variables in the model. The results reveal that components of the HPHRM system such as training (TR), employee participation (EP), job analysis (JA), performance evaluation (PE) and employee development (ED) directly impact both EE and IWB in Vietnamese IT enterprises. This  research also highlights the partial mediating role of EE in the correlation between HPHRM and IWB. The findings concluded from this study contribute further insights into the correlation between HPHRM, EE and IWB.  Several implications are proposed to enhance IWB through solutions related to HPHRM and EE in IT enterprises in Vietnam within the state of international economic integration and the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution based on these insights.


Bui Thi Thu Ha (Primary Contact)
Vu Thi Minh Xuan
Tran Duc Anh
Ha, B. T. T. ., Xuan, V. T. M. ., & Anh, T. D. . (2025). The mediating role of employee engagement in the relationship between high-performance human resource management and innovative work behavior in information technology companies in Vietnam. International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 8(1), 308–318.

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