Development of a 4C skills evaluation instrument for biology: A validity and reliability study on Indonesian high school students learning

Amrianto, Fatchur Rohman, Agus Dharmawan, Murni Sapta Sari


Students need to be proficient in the 4C skills of the twenty-first century (critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration and communication). However, field conditions are out of step with 21st-century advancements. It is well known that high school biology teachers in Kerinci Regency have never particularly established programs to help students understand the 4C skills. The objective of this study is to develop instruments for measuring 4C abilities in biology learning to help biology teachers apply 4C skills-oriented learning in the class. The instruments developed are: 1) an instrument for evaluating critical thinking abilities in the form of essay questions with a grading rubric. 2) An instrument to evaluate creative thinking skills in the form of questionnaires and essay questions with grading rubrics. 3) An instrument for evaluating collaboration skills in the form of questionnaires and observation sheets. 4) An instrument for evaluating communication skills in the form of questionnaires and observation sheets. Assessment instrument experts, biology education practitioners and high school students from Kerinci Regency, Indonesia were included in the study. Empirical and content validations are used to validate instruments. Instrument reliability also covers the consistency of the validators in filling out the validation form as well as the empirical reliability of the instrument. The research findings indicate that the 4C skills assessment instrument is both valid and reliable. The 4C skills assessment instrument can be used to examine students' 4C skills in biology subject.


Fatchur Rohman (Primary Contact)
Agus Dharmawan
Murni Sapta Sari
Amrianto, Rohman, F. ., Dharmawan, A. ., & Sari, M. S. (2024). Development of a 4C skills evaluation instrument for biology: A validity and reliability study on Indonesian high school students learning. International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 7(2), 701–717.

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