Finding different learning methods of chemistry department students, education faculty of Jawzjan University

Ghulam Nabi Adil, Muhammad Hussain Neda, Zaynab Dahi


This research has been titled (Finding different learning methods of chemistry department students, education faculty of Jawzjan University). The overall aim of this study is to evaluate different styles of student’s learning in chemistry department and to find the most common used methods of learning as well. The importance of this study is the novelty of the topic which has not been investigated so far. This paper also focuses on the challenges and problems that students face in different ways of learning in chemistry department of education faculty. Both quantitative and qualitative methods have been used in this research and the questionnaire has been used for the data collection. In expressing the issue about the importance of learning, learning from the perspective of scientists, problems and challenges in lack of learning, the consequences of lack of learning by students in higher education institutes, schools, family, the individual and the entire community are discussed. In the theoretical part of this research, theories of behaviorism (Thorndike’s neural connection theory, contingent reflection theory, factor conditional theory), and cognitive theories (Gestalt theory, Bandura's social learning, Davit-ausubel's meaningful verbal discovery theory) has been used. In addition, in theoretical framework of this research, Thorndike's neural communication theories, Bandura's social learning, Bruner exploration learning, David-Ausubel's verbal meaningful learning have been applied. The results of this study revealed that most of the students in chemistry department of education faculty at Jawzjan University are not aware of learning methods, while only 14.02% of students are familiar with the methods of learning. To achieve accurate results the hypothesis (students' learning methods are supposed to vary widely) are very clearly analyzed.


Ghulam Nabi Adil (Primary Contact)
Muhammad Hussain Neda
Zaynab Dahi

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